Bangkok Bicycle Tour

Today we made a 40 kilometer loop a little bit deeper through the east of Bangkok. Again 80 percent of the bike trip was along the Bangkok Eastern canals. We als encountered some wildlife along the canals and small scale farming. We started our cycling trip at 11.00 hrs in the morning. Weather was nice and we looked forward to what we would discover today.

Cycling Tour Bangkok

Again today we cycled for most part of our trip on elevated pathways along the eastern Bangkok canals. Today we really needed our gps on our phones since the labyrint of canals was a little bit overwhelming. But also with some help from the always friendly Bangkok locals we managed to dicover many unspoiled places. Small farms where cows, goats and sheep where peacefully grazing and no traffic in sight.

Cycling Tour Bangkok

At some stage on our trip one of us spotted a big monitor lizard of about 2 meters long. We all took our cameras but the monster was more scared of us than we of him and he fled into the bushes. Luckily one of us was quickly enough to snap a picture.

Cycling Tour Bangkok

The scenery today was magnificent. Cycling trough these parts of Bangkok is a real joy. Local people in their boats waving to us along the way. We cycled about 40 kilometers in total and made many stops at local shops to chat with the locals and to refresh ourselves with drinks and snacks. Another great Bangkok Cycling tour and many to follow ...............

Visit our website regularly !!!! We will update the site with new trips along the way !!!!

“Explore Bangkok by bike. Meet the locals, see how the people live in the outskirts of Bangkok. Do you want to see the real Bangkok? Grab your bike and pedal away. Cycling in Bangkok is magic!!”